2024 MQFF | 14–24 NOV

Become a Sponsor


MQFF is presented each year with the support of our Festival Partners. It’s the valued support from our Partners that allows us to stage the world-class festival that MQFF is today. MQFF partners with leading Australian and international brands to showcase their commitment to diversity and inclusion for queer communities.


Partnering with MQFF aligns your brand with one of the most historically significant LGBTQI+ cultural organisations in Australia – and a Festival that celebrates the voices and stories of queer communities from around the globe.

View our Sponsors

Partnership Opportunities




• Alignment with one of the most historically significant and highly valued cultural brands in Australia.
• Presenting rights to the latest and best LGBTQI cinema from Australia and globally.
• Alignment with a leading LGBTQI+ cultural institution, and the largest and oldest queer film festival in Australia.
• Use of MQFF’s brand and content worldwide to profile partnership.
• Onsite and digital presence.
• Access to engaged and robust online communities.
• Authentic and relevant content to celebrate your brand alignment with MQFF.
• Bespoke digital activations.
• Deliver on digital strategy goals.



• Unique staff and customer engagement opportunities with contemporary and cutting-edge queer cinema.
• Bespoke customer promotional opportunities to profile the partnership and support of MQFF.
• Unique and authentic storytelling in support of queer voices and lives.
• Multi-channel communications campaign design.
• Campaign consultation with leading queer communications, arts and film experts.
• Access to MQFF’s robust below the line channels.



• VIP event access and speaking opportunities.
• Exclusive events for staff and clients.
• Demonstrate commitment to diversity and LGBTQI+ equality with your Pride Network.
• Access to senior MQFF representatives for engaging participation in your Pride Network events.
• Support MQFF’s vision of a society where LGBTQI+ people are equal, respected, seen and valued.
• Champion the best and latest queer stories from Australia and internationally.
• Support queer community participation.


Become a supporter of MQFF

To learn more about MQFF Sponsorship or Advertising, please contact our Marketing & Fundraising Manager, Nathan Boadle, on nathan.boadle@mqff.com.au

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When you donate to MQFF, your donation does good things for the LGBTQIA+ community. Your contribution is highly valued and makes a difference!

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